How to Make the Most of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is not a new phenomenon. However, new realities imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the importance of digital marketing for businesses. Basically, digital marketing revolves around using digital channels to advertise. Such channels include mobile devices, search engines, social media, websites, email, and others to help reach consumers. The purpose is to create a relationship with potential online customers to influence their buying decisions.Why Digital MarketingFor starters, with digital marketing, you are able to personalize your marketing and target your ideal audience. It offers the ability to [...]

2020-09-01T12:00:06-08:00September 1st, 2020|

Robotics Carves Out Niche in Various Businesses

Away from the movies, robots are becoming a reality in everyday life.Robots have played a major role in manufacturing industries to perform basic tasks that are either dangerous or laborious for humans. As technology becomes relatively cheaper – through the availability of components such as processors, sensors, batteries and cameras – robots are now making an entrance in industries apart from manufacturing, such as in marketing, inventory, telecommunications and entertainment.Why Robotics in Business?To avoid confusion, it’s important to mention at this point that robotics often refers to software configured to [...]

2020-08-01T12:00:06-08:00August 1st, 2020|

Fileless Malware Poses New Threat to Computer Users

With increased cyber threats, there is great awareness of malware that comes attached in files.  Individuals and businesses invest in security solutions to protect against malware. In fact, there are often company policies regarding opening attachments on emails; yet there is an increase in a type of threat (though not new), known as the fileless malware.What is Fileless Malware?A fileless malware attack is a type of threat that doesn’t involve executable files. Instead, these attacks include scripts that run on browsers, command prompts, Windows PowerShell, Windows Management Instrumentation, VBScripts, or [...]

2020-07-01T12:00:06-08:00July 1st, 2020|

How IT Spending Will Change When Business Resumes

Most states are starting to relax stay-at-home restrictions. As such, businesses are developing plans for bringing employees back to work. Many businesses are already affected by the pandemic and their future looks grim. Specifically, we are going to look at the IT sector and examine what spending might look like in a post-lockdown economy.DisruptionThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented disruption in businesses. As a result, management has tried to reduce costs to survive or risk shutting down. IT departments have suffered the most with major budget cuts due [...]

2020-06-01T12:00:06-08:00June 1st, 2020|

Heightened Hacking as Corona Pandemic Worsens; How to Avoid Being a Victim

Since the escalation of COVID-19 cases, malicious activity from cybercriminals is also on the rise.Hackers are taking advantage of the coronavirus fear to carry out attacks. This is done by creating websites that claim to have cures for the virus or by spreading emails that contain links to malware.Consider this research by Check Point, where they found an increase in coronavirus domain name registration. Most of these scam websites allege to be selling vaccines against the virus.At the beginning of this year, one of the reported cases was the Emotet [...]

2020-05-01T12:00:06-08:00May 1st, 2020|

New to Remote Working? Here are Some Tips for Staying Productive

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a rise in remote working. Even organizations that have always been against it have their employees working from home. With some areas experiencing complete lockdowns, this means you find yourself in an unfamiliar work environment.Remote working means that you have to work outside a traditional office environment. Although some people already have experience working remotely, there are a good number of workers who might have a hard time getting anything done from home. This is particularly true for those  with a family that includes young [...]

2020-04-01T12:00:06-08:00April 1st, 2020|

6506148 B2 Patent: Nervous System Manipulation – Is it Real or Just Paranoia?

Imagine someone manipulating how you feel. Of course, no one wants that. But how about being manipulated unknowingly? This is exactly what is happening to your nervous system every time you switch on your TV or computer.Well, at least according to the 6506148 B2 Patent.The patent named “Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors” was filed in 2001 and published in 2003. The patent was filed by one Hendricus G. Loss (perceived to be a fictitious person as no information about who he really is can be traced).Is it [...]

2020-03-01T12:00:06-08:00March 1st, 2020|

How Businesses Benefit from Big Data Analytics

Previously we looked at the key technology trends in accounting to watch out for in 2020. Among the trends are big data and data analytics, which can have a great impact on businesses.Business data has existed for a long time, whether in filing cabinets, ledgers or storage devices. But today businesses both large and small have to deal with huge collections of data every day. This has seen the rise of data analytics trends that include deep learning, machine learning and dark data.Unfortunately, small and medium businesses (SMB) have to [...]

2020-02-01T12:00:06-08:00February 1st, 2020|

Key Technology Trends in Accounting to Watch Out For in 2020

Technology advances continue to reshape industries and businesses – and the accounting industry is no exception. So far, a lot of repetitive tasks are performed with the help of advanced hardware and software. Even for businesses that do not like change, many find themselves making adjustments due to a generation change in the workforce, marketing demands, regulations and client demand. In any case, technology offers strengths once a business adopts new solutions to the accounting processes.The accounting industry has evolved so much that bookkeeping is no longer just about balancing [...]

2020-01-01T12:00:06-08:00January 1st, 2020|

What is Splinternet and Why You Should Care

Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, made a prediction in September 2018 that the internet will split in two – one part being led by China and the other by the United States. The reasoning behind this involves China’s active monitoring of all internet activities, as well as technological products and services from the country. Other reasons include a different leadership regime, controls and censorship.Although it's just speculation, the splinternet phenomenon has been around since the 1990s. Also known as cyber-balkanization, the concept is slowly taking root as governments seek to [...]

2019-12-01T12:00:06-08:00December 1st, 2019|